Monday, May 2, 2011

My Work Out Buddy - Finally Finished

I finished this quilt about two weeks ago to show at the Cobblestone Quilt Guild's April meeting as part of the Art That Works monochromatic challenge.  Judy Heyward is charge of our challenges this year and is also the guild Vice-President and has issued a guild wide monochromatic challenge and want us to show the results of our efforts.

I didn't want another square quilt - so I did a variation on a scallop for the sides and bottom and cut some of the leaves out.  I used a facing instead of a binding - but when I got to the leaves the curves were too severe for the facing so I ended up satin stitching them instead.

Not entirely happy with the results - so I plan to play with a variety of edge finishes over the next few months.

I also added my friend via thread painting.  All of the thread is green - but in the picture some looks more blue. 

Again not entirely happy with the results - so more playing and experimenting to do.

1 comment:

  1. i think you are being just a little perfectionist (of course I have been known to rip out a knitting project 18 to 20 times so ....) 2
