Sunday, January 3, 2016

After A Very Long Hiatus

First of all Happy New Year.  I did two things today that I have not done in a very, very long time.  I managed to get my featherweight machine up and running

and sewed a few blocks together from Bonnie Hunter's Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt (the one I started in late 2014.)

I am very rusty - but it felt really good to be sewing again.  Of  course I can't press the blocks as my iron and ironing board are still in Charleston - top priority to bring them up to the farm next trip!

The second thing is posting on my very neglected blog.  But if you are blogging mostly about quilting and you haven't touch a sewing machine since April of last year - it is hard to write much. 

This is about to change.  We are getting more settled in our new home - the little farm house is slowly getting the TLC it desperately needs.  And we will be getting our first new building in about two weeks - my new studio!  It will be a shared space between my quilting design and teaching business, the farms fiber work and my daughters art business - but it will be a dedicated creative space.  It will be an empty shell when it arrives (12' x 28') and we will have to do the finish work before I can move into it.

If you had a new studio - blank canvas so to speak - what would be the top thing you would include?