Several months ago my fiber art group had a monochromatic challenge for which I chose green and made a piece with 1" squares and applique leaves. It was quite a challenge as it end up having nearly 900 squares. Our guild, Cobblestone Quilters, has issued a similar monochromatic challenge and I have begun work on a miniature piece in a color that I don't normally gravitate to - - yellow.
I had yellow fabric pieces left over from a recent quilt I made for a family member and decided I needed to work in a color that is not in my usually palette. Then I got a little crazy - I decided that if 1 inch squares worked - what about 1/2". So I started cutting 1 " strips
Of course I soon found out that I did not have enough variety in the color - so back to the paints and the white on white prints.
Then I made nine patches (an improvement on the method I used for my last monochromatic piece)
And then I stitch the nine patches together to make a 13 1/2" by 10 1/2"piece using lots of pins.
If you do the math that means 567 individual 1/2" squares.
I don't learn.
I have started the quilting - using number 8 pearl white cotton that I painted with Setacolor and used in the needle not the bobbin case. With a large needle and a slow machine pace, it worked great. With the tone on tone colors the picture I took of the quilting just doesn't show. I have quilted large circles that will have a trapunto effect when quilting is done, so I just used batting and no backing. I plan to do a lot of beading in the circles before adding another layer of batting and a backing before finishing the machine quilting.
Luckily the deadline has been extended from August to September, so I might just finish in time.